Sunday, July 1, 2007


Thought I'd show you a picture of the bananas on the plant by our pool. This bunch was actually ripe and harvested the other day. I made banana bread out of them! We have two more stalks on the plant. I've had the plant about four years now and it's just starting to produce - I guess the plant has to reach a certain level of maturity to bear fruit.


Silverthimble said...

What a treat--to live in a part of the world where you can pick ripened bananas in your back yard!

Jeanne said...

I thought they grew the other way around. I learn something new every day. Thanks for sharing the picture.

JoAnna said...

Ack! We have the same name! I've never met anyone with my name before -- with the capital "a" and everything. This is surreal...

I was reading one of your earlier posts about hating binding and not tackling that step for 4-5 months after a quilt is done...I was thinking "that chick knows what she is talking about. Binding STINKS." Then I see you have my exact same name!!! Wacky.

Marisa said...

I cannot believe you grow your own nana. Impressive. Our todler would love to live there, he'd eat all of them.